Tuesday, February 24, 2015

My Dradio Teardown Documentation

So me and my amazing group teared down a Dradio together . My group consisted of Me, Romario, And a girl ,which i forgot her name 😣.  So now lets start with the the tools we used. ☺️


- This tool is called a Desoldering gun. This tools will come in handy later on when you are desoldering a Dradio :)

- This tool is called a soldering iron. This tools is a big necessity when you are trying to remove the components in a Dradio ,as well as when you are desoldering. Warning !!!!, don't touch the top when it is turned on because it will burn you !!!!!!!😫

- Every time you use a soldering iron , you have to lightly brush the tip with  the spongy thingy. Remember , after every trial !!!! 👌

As you can see , the sponge is used a lot . Poor spongy 😔.Anyways lets go on.

- although this tool is used to cut wires, this tool is extremely useful when trying to remove hard components in a mother board

Now lets begin the process, which is to start desoldering !!!!!!!!!

As you can see , you will have to lightly touch each joint with the the soldering iron until you see it melting . At the moment ,you will press the black button on the Desoldering gun to remove the joints. courtesy to my team mate Romario for showing us in the photos how its done 😁

Now that we have removed all the  joints ,we are going to remove the components

As you can see there are a lot of componenst ,so lets start labeling theses components to make it easy for you guys ☺️


- optocoupler : allows you to concoct two circuits that do not share a common power supply 

-Resistors: Resist the the flow of electrical energy in a circuit ,changing the voltage  and a current as a result

Capacitors: components that store and release electrical energy in a circuit

Tilt Sensor- a type of switch that will open or close depending on its orientation 

Piezo: An electrical current that can be used to detect vibrations and create noises

Jumper wire: wire used to connect components to each other on the mother board 

Now that we know the parts , let's remove these bad babies from the mother board 😜

In order to remove the components from the mother board , you have to lightly touch the joints connecting the components using  the soldering iron . With the help of another person , the assistant has to yank off the component lightly using the wire cutter when the joint is melting .

As you can see my wonderful partners are working together Ramario is nanking off the components ,while my other lovely partner is burning the connecting joints.
 Team work!!!!!! 😁

Before : 

phase 1 : With components

Phase 2- without components

 And i am done guys , click here for more cool stuff 😃😎
ps i am hungry 😣

1 comment:

  1. Good start. What is a Drawdio? How does it work?

    Two components seem mislabeled (but good guess). Can you guess which they are? Hint: images 1, 4 and 5.

    Yanking parts can definitely be tempting, but the trick is usually to make sure your soldering iron is hot enough and that you prep the tip by tinning it (melting a light coat of solder on the tip). The moist sponge is used to remove debris and prepare to rinse and repeat before applying to a joint again.

    As you experienced, when the component is stubborn, a bit of gentle pressure can be applied. As you noted, pliers can be useful for better grip and to avoid touching potentially hot parts.

    One third of your dynamic duo is Myriam.

    I am hungry too. Building and hacking works up the appetite. ; D
