Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My Final project idea

For the final project, I will be working with Brian and Mohamed .  Our idea is to make a sparkle skirt and the idea behind it is that every movement will be sensed ,therefore causing the pixels to flash. We will be sowing the Flora RGB Neo Pixels, Flora Accelerometer,and the Flora main board using conductive thread. It's crucial that the RGB Neo pixels are evenly spaced out  and that we cut out any knot remains , so we can have a successful result.
Material we will be using

  • Flora Main board
  • conductive thread
  • Flora RGB Neo Pixels
  • 3xAAA battery pack
  • Flora  Accelerometer
  • compass module
  • sheer overlay
  • nail polish
The outline design

Before sowing our components onto the shirt, we had to use alligator clips to test if the code and the design works properly . Unfortunately , the RGB Neo Pixels failed to light up and the reason is that we weren't able to install the flora board on Arduino successfully.

-As you can see in the photos displayed, we used alligator clips instead of conductive thread to test out the code and the design .


The code

  this is the code that will make the magic happen and we got the the code at adafruit.com

The Solution

The solution to our problem was to download Arduino 1.6.3 IDE and add the custom boards . Once doing so , you will have to make changes onto its prefences. Once doing so ,we were able to successfully add the flora board onto Arduino 1.6.3 IDE .yayyy it worked!!!!!

Sowing  the pixels

  With he the use of conductive thread, The Flora RGB Neo pixels  were sowed onto our sheer overlay. It's crucial that the pixels are evenly spaced out and the tails of the knots are cut out, so the circuit can travel perfectly throughout the RGB Neo pixels!!!!!!!!!
 Note - Cover the knots with nail polish 


-As you can see in this photo , its crucial that you mark your design with a marker so you will know where to sow and where to place your RGB Neo pixels, Flora board, and accelerometer .

The Design 

- As you can see the design is marked by a marker. The RGB Neo pixels are evenly spaced out . 

-  we used an accelerometer to sense motion ,therefore causing the RGB Neo pixels to light up. So our input is movement and the output is the RGB Neo pixels lighting up. 

 -note that we connected the flora and the accelerometer  by connecting GND-GND, SCL-SCL, SDA-SDA, and 3.3v -3.3v

-when connecting all the Flora RGB neo pixels ,We connected all pos with one thread and we connected all neg with one thread. 

Now you wanna see how it looks underneath!!!!! well let's see!!!

-It's pretty cool right !!!!!Now you wanna see it work.
Drum roll please!!!!!

This is when we sowed the first 2 pixels

-The second video is our final design. As you can see all RGB neo pixels have been sowed . 

Another huge problem
  The Neo pixels stopped lighting up and my team mates couldn't figure it out . We used an millivoltmeter to test for continuity. 

-as you can see in the photos, the first Neo Pixels  have enough voltage ,but when it comes to the last three Neo pixels , there was definitely no 

-The term that we referred to the neo pixels not working is "A shortage". That being the point where the current stops working.

The solution to shortage is to resow the Neo pxels again. 


As you can see, we first aimed at getting the Flora RGB neo pixels done first and once we got that done we had to start working on the Flora board and accelerometer. 

- as you can see , all the pixels are evenly spaced , hence we will have a smooth result. 

 Note that my partner is cutting out the knot remains and it's important to so ,because any knot remains left behind could disrupt the circuit from working. 

After we finished sowing , we tested if the circuit works and here's the result!!!

as you can see in the video it works!!!!!!!!!!Now time to attach this sheer layer onto the shirt.........

Attaching the sheer layer onto the shirt

  we used a york college T shirt to be our shirt ,which we bought at the book store. We then placed our sheer layer on top of the shirt ,so thats's going to be the spot  where we are going to attach the layer.

 We attached sheer layer onto the shirt using normal thread  and we sowed the top and bottom side sheer layer carefully to avoid to avoid a shortage !!!

We had to carefully locate our location to sow and and i think based on the photos we did good!!!

- as you can see we have attached our sheer layer onto the york t shirt. !!!! yayy

Covering up the LED's 
Add caption

my group wanted to conceal our sheer layers as much as possible ,so we chose to use a net . We sowed the net on top of our sheer layer .

As you can see, we have successfully attached our net on top of our sheer layer

Now it's time to see the final result of our project!!!! drumroll please.......

- as you can see i am showing how it works and all i can say is that I am proud of my group , as well as getting help from my professor. I am very fortunate to have an amazing group and i hope we do something like this again!!!!:)